Over twenty years as a repair engineer, specializing in advanced diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repair of electronic devices and gadgets. Expertise spans hardware solutions for smartphones, smartwatches, and cutting-edge electronics, delivering precision and innovation in every technical challenge.

Samsung Galaxy M51 SM-M515

☝️ Detailed disassembly instructions available at: Link

1️⃣ Our first step is disassembling the phone.

We already know that this model, like similar ones, often has connectors and external contacts that break due to poor design.

2️⃣ The next step is to inspect the connectors on the sub-board and on the interboard cable.

A visual inspection shows that everything is in order.

3️⃣ After that, we inspect the connector on the main board and on the inter-board cable at the top.

It is evident that both connectors are damaged and need replacement.

4️⃣ Our fourth step is preparing the new connectors.

Set the hot air soldering station to 330° С or 625° F, medium airflow, and proceed with replacing the damaged inter-board cable connector.

5️⃣ Finally, we replace the connector on the main board.

Replace the connector and additionally solder the outer contacts to increase the reliability of the connection.

6️⃣ In the end, we perform a work check.

Reinstall the board and connect the phone to the charger. The tester shows that the device charges normally in all modes.

Mission accomplished! 👍

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