The most frequently asked questions about HTC One Mini 2 from our audience.

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Nice finally I found something My HTC already dies Witz 40%-60% Charge Ill hope its just the batter...Read more
Hello, we'll hope too because it simplest reason of the fault I just need a new battery do i have to use a htc battery or is there a better Kind o...Read more
I think HTC battery, I don't know what kind of others batteries have had providers in your city i cant actually buy htc batterys in germany because they think only "experts" should...Read more
you can buy battery just if you'll pay for a repair service?!
What's the name of the tool you use to open the phone casing? Or an Amazon link?
Hello, titles - an opening tool, tweezers, screwdrivers T5 and 1,5 (cross-head) Thanks :)
You're welcome!
i was trying to take the screws out to expose the battery but they have become stripped severely, ho...Read more
Hello, Where the screws located?
at 3:00 , the 4 screws holding the copper backboard in place
I just destroyed my phone at the first step.... there are connections under that top cover that are ...Read more
In this moment? 2:02 думаю он имел ввиду на 0:45 так как та же проблема произошла у меня. Эту клейкую медну...Read more
Здравствуйте, да, это часть антенны - можно спаять.
Buongiorno, quello che non capisco è quel OP8B230, girando su amazon ed ebay trovo solo batterie 0P6...Read more
Ciao, 0P6M100 - è un numero di batteria (tipo), ma OP8B230 è un tipo come un secondo nome.
Great video, really useufull. Helped me out for sure.
Hello, Thanks for your comment we appreciate it!
Thank you! Now I can change my charger. I'm from Germany and there is no technician for HTC.
Hello, we always glad to be help. We really confused about 'no technician' if you have questions or ...Read more
Where would you be able to buy these tools?
Hello, I suppose on amazon or other online-store or a special store of your city (for instance - I s...Read more
Excellent tutorial! To replace loudspeaker (ear speaker) on this phone do I need to do all the same...Read more
Hello, The top part can be weakened, attentively and accurately to lift in order to replace by tweez...Read more
Thank you! I was able to replace my speaker with your help. Unfortunately when I was opening back ...Read more
We don't know about where you can buy the connector, but you can - not just replace connector but re...Read more