The most frequently asked questions about Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00 from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00


Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
My Huawei Ascend G6 shows internal memory storage has been damaged. Ho...

My Huawei Ascend G6 shows internal memory storage has been damaged. How to fixed it? Can you give me an idea of how to repair this issue? Please please, please !!!
    Evgenii Zhilа
    My Huawei Ascend G6 shows internal memory...
    It's not so easy, you need a microchip, special tools, and equipment.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
The old screen is glued, so why don't you glue in the new one? as soon...

The old screen is glued, so why don't you glue in the new one? as soon as you drop the phone the whole screen is going to fall out of the phone
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Lee Connell6
    The old screen is glued, so why don't you glue...
    Hello, No, of course not. The new one has a adhesive on the surface, we just unstuck (unfastened) a label and glued screen to frame.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
How to convert to 4G my phone Huawei g6 u10, please.

How to convert to 4G my phone Huawei g6 u10, please.
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    How to convert to 4G my phone Huawei g6 u10, please.
    Hello, if the phone doesn't support this network - it's no way. You can replace the motherboard, of course, but that doesn't make sense.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
Como converter para 4G meu telefone Huawei g6 u10, por favor.

Como converter para 4G meu telefone Huawei g6 u10, por favor.
    Evgenii Zhilа
    Como converter para 4G meu telefone Huawei g6...
    Olá, se o telefone não suporta esta rede - não é possível. Você pode substituir a placa-mãe, é claro, mas isso não faz sentido.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
Is it necessary to replace the entire LCD screen? My LCD still works, ...

Is it necessary to replace the entire LCD screen? My LCD still works, only the Glass is broken. Can I replace it seperatly without doing this entire process?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Marieke Lightband19
    Is it necessary to replace the entire LCD...
    +Marieke Lightband Hello, it's not necessary to replace display with glass, but the removal a glass is hard work and high proportion of defective glasses on sale, Our clients demand to repair phones as fast as qualitatively, and inexpensive. That's why we replaced it such a way.

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
HI ! REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION !!! I have a Huawei Ascend G6 4G, Can't...

HI ! REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION !!! I have a Huawei Ascend G6 4G, Can't find any replacement for the 4g version only G6. Can I change the g6 4G screen with a g6 ???? Please! I'm lost. Greets !
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    +TheGhostkiller96 Hello, sent aswer on facebook!

Huawei Ascend G6 / G6-C00
que diferencia tiene el huawei g6 u251 y el g6 l11 las pantallas y tac...

que diferencia tiene el huawei g6 u251 y el g6 l11 las pantallas y tactil son compatibles?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Darwin Matos6
    que diferencia tiene el huawei g6 u251 y el g6...
    Huawei Ascend G6 4G (g6 l11) has NFC, 4G, and 8 Gb for internal memory.

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