The most frequently asked questions about Huawei P9 Lite (2017) from our audience.

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One question, if the Backcover is only damaged, not the screen or anything else, can i buy a new one...Read more
Hello, just a back cover. But you have to pry a fingerprint from old one and glue to the new cover.
My Device is bend. What can i do? No warranty from the market i have bought. Sorry for my english, i...Read more
Hi, your English is excellent :) How hard the phone has been bent? How it influences on the phone's ...Read more
Not many. It's in my school bag. I had in in my Pocket one time. But i don't think it's from this ac...Read more
Okay, I got it, does the phone work?
Yes. But its bent. Thats very annoying, there's 200€ for a bending device.
It's complicated. Usually, we came across with the problem in iPhone 6. If you lean it back the phon...Read more
para sacar la bateria primero se hace del otro lado porque pones en riesgo el flex de lcd, comenzo m...Read more
Hi can i change only touchpad if screen is working?sorry about the letnie but i dont speak english