The most frequently asked questions about Lenovo A319 RocStar from our audience.
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Thanks for sharing this TUTO with us, but I have a problem on my Lenovo.. it stucks on Black screen ...Read more
Hi, does the cell phone work? Can you call on it? Do you hear any sounds? What do you mean - the bla...Read more I mean he did not work anymore after FLASH, and when I plug in it to PC it connect and d...Read more
Go to a software specialist. I can't say what to do without an inspection & tests of the cell phone. It’s okay dude 🙂 I’ll check it out thanks so much for replying. I appreciate your help...Read more
votre vidéo est vraiment pro j'ai apris grace a vous à démonter mon lénovo a319 , ma question est ce...Read more
ANY idea for white screen problem
Hello, we have two ;) If the phone doesn't work just white screen then it's a common problem for thi...Read more
any video procedure on flex cable maintenance or test for this model?
Test? what for? You have to turn on the phone and if you hear the sound by starting theme then ,seem...Read more
thank you very much for your kind respond and Spasibo bol'shoye! (Спасибо большое!).What I mean a te...Read more
As you wish ),the connector located in the bottom left (on the mother board).
hey bro where did you buy the screen
Hello, we work with our local suppliers that sustains links (have deal) with Chinese providers.
Ai, maladets! Poluchilos good! Ya is drugoy stranbl. Moldovaland nazblvaetsya, no vsyo ponyal.
Здравствуйте, рады помочь! Moldova is a wonderful country!
Good Day to anyone reading this. I watched the video of about How to disassemble Lenovo A3...Read more
Hi, okay, if all these things happened for no reason, then it may be worth doing a full reset or upd...Read more