The most frequently asked questions about Lenovo A5000 from our audience.
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hi.. how can i fix my wet lenovo a5000 phone.
Hello, at first disconnect a battery from this one and explain in more detail!
Hello , please help me how to increase the signal strength ??? where is the place of the signal ic??
Hi, do you want to increase the signal when with it is fine, or something wrong and you want to elim...Read more
hi, pls help me how can i fix my lennovo a5000 it's wifi is keep on blinking reason to why it became...Read more
Hi, Has the phone been damaged lately? (include water damage). Have you been updated a software, als...Read more
Please can u tell me how to remove only Front touch same model a5000 lenovo..there are too much dust...Read more
Hello, you have to correctly as unstick as lift it. Afterwards inspect where is flex cable of sensor...Read more
how can I fix my Lenovo a5000 screen ,always can't touch some place ,some place are not responsible ...Read more
Hi, it seems to me, you (or a specialist) should replace the touch screen.
hi sir my lenovo a5000 wifi connection its not working how to repair?
Hello, wifi can't make connection or not working?
How to fix lenovo a5000 wifi not working
Hello, if wifi doesn't launch that the reason may be hidden inside microchip. Solution is to re-sold...Read more
Is it possible to convert 3g to 4g? On lenovo a5000
hi sir can i ask? if how to remove the dust in between the screen of my lenovo a5000? it's kinda eye...Read more
Hello, you have to warm surface of the display and separate the touch screen from it and clean it (d...Read more
hi brother would you help me my lenovo a5000 suddenly got stucked and black screen blow.up. now it d...Read more
Hello, at first you have to update,restore or renew software if it doesn't help then disassemble the...Read more
heres the problem when I charged my phone when I got home I tried to charge it (its on 23 %) after a...Read more
Hello, it seems to be the battery or cable or charging port is broken. The best if you start from re...Read more
yah I do an update, but it happened before I update my phone, and I decided to update it..
Hard to say, need to look inside. The best if a qualified specialist will do it.
My lenovo a5000 microphone is not working and I don't know how to do it. Can you suggest me what to...Read more
Sorry for my English language...i not a expect
Hi, this model has an analog microphone connected to board by two wires. You should unsolder them (w...Read more okey, but where can I find the part ?
In special store or on websites as aliexpress or ebay and so on.
I needed to see, how to replace front glass panel and its the only thing I didnt get in this video.....Read more
+Hans Fuchs Hello, yes it is, when we remove a display or a digitizer then video has name "How to re...Read more
how can i remove the voice everytym i touch the screen?
Hello, what do you want to remove for? and what exactly? screen (display) or touch screen (sensor)
hi! how can I fix my lenovo a5000 screen npt wprking? it was dropped in water andd put in rice and w...Read more
Hi, did you bring the phone to a fixer? And what he told you, conclusions - I mean what is working w...Read more