The most frequently asked questions about Lenovo S5000 IdeaTab from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

Lenovo S5000 IdeaTab

Lenovo S5000 IdeaTab
Pra que serve essa peça verde com flex tirada do lado direito acima da...

Pra que serve essa peça verde com flex tirada do lado direito acima da peça preta? Alguem sabe?
    Yurii Rodionov
    Pra que serve essa peça verde com flex tirada...
    Hi, it is a board with a Sim connector.

Lenovo S5000 IdeaTab
Hi, and how to fix only the touch screen ? tks

Hi, and how to fix only the touch screen ? tks
    Yurii Rodionov
    Hi, and how to fix only the touch screen ? tks
    Hello, for example the process is identical for all. I mean - separating of a touch screen - cleaning up the surface - gluing a new one. Exist the two ways how to do it, and both are difficult.

Lenovo S5000 IdeaTab
hi is it true that touch screen and lcd cant be separated?

hi is it true that touch screen and lcd cant be separated?
    Yurii Rodionov
    hi is it true that touch screen and lcd cant...
    Hi, yes it is.

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