Hello.In the Lenovo TB-X


Lenovo Tab 4 TB-X304L
Hello.In the Lenovo TB-X

Hello. In the Lenovo TB-X 304 L tablet, I repaired (soldered) a USB power socket because it was interrupting charging. After assembling the tablet and turning on the key, there was no reaction. After connecting the charging, the Lenovo logo and the charge level icon and the red LED flashed. After a few such attempts, the tablet stopped reacting to connecting the charger. I have not been working as an electronic equipment for 12 years because I am retired and I am lost in repairing modern electronics. I wanted to make repairs "from a good heart" for a poor, older friend and now I have a problem. I am asking for help (hint) what procedures did I do and how can I restore the tablet to work? Kind regards Rembeman
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Hello. In the Lenovo TB-X 304 L tablet, I...
    Perhaps the battery is not connected, or the connector is not completely soldered. Disassemble and check, battery and soldering of all contacts of the usb connector

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