The most frequently asked questions about Lenovo Vibe C2 Power from our audience.

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How to repair the charging port of my Lenovo c2? Plsss help me I really like your videos😞
Hi, it has two options: replace the lower part entirely or unsolder the old port and solder the new ...Read more
Bom dia! O problema do Áudio é independente do display (frontal)? Pois, troquei e o auto-falante não...Read more
Oi, use um multímetro e verifique os contatos. Além disso, a causa pode se ocultar dentro do control...Read more boa noite em qual parte fica o display desse aparelho
Bro my lenovo c2 is not turning on...and when the charger plus in the bathery pins have no voltage.....Read more
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