The most frequently asked questions about LG G Pad 8.0'' V490 from our audience.
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My LG GPad F 8.0 v495 tablet is slowly oozing a sticky substance at the area where the charger plugs...Read more
Hi, it is strange (kind of). There is a small chance that the battery is damaged without related sig...Read more
Just need to replace the battery. Do I need to completely remove the large ribbon cable for that (al...Read more
Hi, it's better for separation. If the battery glued to the frame strongly enough, you need to use a...Read more
Donde consigo la pantalla tactil
When removing the glass only what to use to remove the adhesive on the screen
Is there a way to recover files:images and video from a damged unit? more
Hi, the PCB looks undamaged. Connect the MB to laptop or PC and check will it recognize the cell pho...Read more
do you have schematic diagram or circuit diagram of g pad x8.0
Hi, unfortunately, we don't have this diagram.
A minha tela descolou e parou de funcionar depois que ele caiu, o que acha que devo fazer?
Não mostra como colocar a paleta para começar a desmontar
Ola, o que significa "paleta"? a primeira ferramenta que utiliza para retirar a tampa traseira.
@Marcio Bacteria Apenas levante a tampa com uma ferramenta de abertura de aço. sem danificar não dá. É muito precionado
Men why my tablet not want charge the battery end the connector is okay