The most frequently asked questions about LG K10 K430DS from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

LG K10 K430DS


LG K10 K430DS
The phone and your fingers are 100% covering what you're doing to remo...

The phone and your fingers are 100% covering what you're doing to remove the back...

LG K10 K430DS
Display কথায় পাওয়া যাবে ঠিকানা চাই lg k10

Display কথায় পাওয়া যাবে ঠিকানা চাই lg k10

LG K10 K430DS
you didn't take the screen off...

you didn't take the screen off...
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    you didn't take the screen off...
    Hello, yes we didn't, I want to notice that we seldom take off screens if it doesn't required for.

LG K10 K430DS
Trying this now. Water damage. May have to heat it. Harder than it loo...

Trying this now. Water damage. May have to heat it. Harder than it looks

LG K10 K430DS
¿Una pregunta hay qué ponerle pasta termica para el sobrecalentamiento...

¿Una pregunta hay qué ponerle pasta termica para el sobrecalentamiento? ¿O ya viene incluída dé fábrica?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    ¿Una pregunta hay qué ponerle pasta termica...
    Hola, ¿qué para la pasta térmica?

LG K10 K430DS
do i need to take the sim card out?

do i need to take the sim card out?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Scott Finlaw15
    do i need to take the sim card out?
    Hello, yes, you should.

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