The most frequently asked questions about LG K8 (2017) X240 from our audience.
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Questo non è un K8 M200E! ATTENZIONE! Lo smontaggio e la posizione dei componenti è completamente di...Read more
no logro ver el conector del pin de audiculares
¿Hola, a qué te refieres? donde va conectado el 3,5 del manos libres
@cristopher cardozo 2:07 En el marco, en la parte inferior.
Could you. Make a battery replacement on a shield tablet !!!
Hello, for the "shield tablet"? What is it mean? it is the tablet from nvidia, that was on the market in 2014
It must be the Shield Tablet K1, very rare thing (in our city, the gaming tablet on Android, where a...Read more yes that is the tablet !!! OK just if you can find , but if you can't , don't worry ,n...Read more