The most frequently asked questions about LG X Power K220 from our audience.

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What are the the two vertical contacts on the bottom left under the battery and the other two horizo...Read more
Hi, first ones are for the buzzer, the second ones should be for an antenna which one I don't know, ...Read more
it is possible to replace the battery ?
Hi, yes it is. It has two ways - the hard one and easy one https://www....Read more
Como trocar somente a lente da câmera traseira do aparelho?!
Oi, você quer dizer a lente dentro da câmera?
Is it possible change the charge port? Thanks for the video!
Hi, it's possible but you need to buy the new port, and soldering iron, and of course, experience in...Read more
LG told me to find my model number under the battery; so i came here to find out how to remove the b...Read more
Hey, do you know where I can get a board diagram for this phone (LS 755)? I need to recover some da...Read more
hello, can you say me if this lcd is for model k220f
Hello, the f letters or ds or else for Samsung has relations to networks or quantity of sim slots. T...Read more
Poxa, a entrada do fone do meu Xpower saiu do lugar, queria saber se dá jeito?
Any way to get sound back? It is not a headphone jack issue, I have tried that app on google play th...Read more
Hi, what kind of problem you've got? When does the problem occur? Why did you replace the loudspeake...Read more
Sir, I have an LG XPower model kp6-1 which faults that destroy the battery. Make the battery fat. An...Read more
There are two options, first is a short circuit somewhere on the board. The battery charge is consta...Read more