The most frequently asked questions about Microsoft Lumia 650 DS RM-1152 from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

Microsoft Lumia 650 DS RM-1152


Microsoft Lumia 650 DS RM-1152
Sorry, but where is the antenna?

Sorry, but where is the antenna?

Microsoft Lumia 650 DS RM-1152
Where can I find screen with digitizer cheapest?

Where can I find screen with digitizer cheapest?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Vuk Vukmirovic11
    Where can I find screen with digitizer cheapest?
    Hello, I think on Chinese websites.

Microsoft Lumia 650 DS RM-1152
Hello. What's the torx type/size for 650? I only have to replace te bu...

Hello. What's the torx type/size for 650? I only have to replace te buzzer.
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Hello. What's the torx type/size for 650? I...
    Hi, we use torx T4
      Hi, we use torx T4  Thanks !

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