The most frequently asked questions about Nokia 6.1 TA-1043 from our audience.
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I really appreciate your work but can you show how to disassemble that Fingerprint please? 🙏🙏🙏 Becas...Read more
Yo compré este teléfono hace 1 o 2 años, y siempre me dio curiosidad saber cómo era por dentro ya qu...Read more
you showed very very supreb and helpful video but how could we know the problem of the dead phone f...Read more
Entonces si tengo que cambiar el cristal de atrás tengo que sacarlo todo o bien ese sí se puede quit...Read more
Hello, My display only shows black. But if you look closely, you can see the AndroidOne logo faintly...Read more
If the phone only hangs on the logo and at the same time is not recognized by the computer. Okay. it...Read more