The most frequently asked questions about Nokia X2 RM-1013 from our audience.
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my LCD DISPLAY is OK, i just bought only the DIGITIZER ITSELF, my concern is if there is any chances...Read more
Hello, usually we don't do it. But for instance t...Read more
my phone's display is ok so i bought the "screen" alone. but im having trouble installing it since...Read more
Bobby Villaplana Hi mrverymonte, any advice for this one? im having the same issue.
Bro I have this phone will you change me display, charger pin and back panel
Hi, we can, but we are too far from you. were are you from in tamilnadu I am in Tirupur
@Aswin vlogs Hi, locally we are in Siberia, but on the Internet, we are everywhere :), at least wher...Read more its ok bro
Bro give me the product link to by display ,charger port and back panel link.please give me
I bought my Nokia X3-02 in 2011. It worked well for 11 months and in the 12th month, its touchscreen...Read more
Hello, touch screens for Nokia x3 (historically) always have poor quality. They're permanently stra...Read more
yes ofcourse what should i do ? should i replace connector / touch and digitizer or the final ........Read more
I think you have to replace touch screen but where get an active one I don't know
very helpful video I replaced lcd of my nokia x2 successfully
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