The most frequently asked questions about Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016) SM-A510 from our audience.

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Has it wireless charger?
Hi, no, it does not have the charger.
Test 502 error
Jaka temperatura przy rozgrzewaniu?
And how you remount the back ? (wich type of glue) Thanks.
Hello, we use the sealant B7000 or B5000 (someone sees the difference we do not:))
Hello. How can I integrate the backside again? Do I need some glue or does it fit without?
Hi, you can use a double-sided adhesive tape or a sealant.
Was machst du in der 1. Minute und wozu ist das gut?
Hallo, die rückseitige Abdeckung ist auf Gehäuse geklebt, der Spezialist erwärmte die rückseitige Ab...Read more
At 3:00 you can see the men remove a black object...i think it is a part of the wireless charger!......Read more
Alter was für ein Film das Scheißding aufzumachen... Wie unnötig kompliziert
Can i remove broken camera glass in this phone without buying a new body? I want to buy just a new c...Read more
does the phone screen prblms like will using pink lines cmng on the screen
Ok thanks ;) colega buen vídeo una duda que estación de calor me recomiendas ya que comprare una s...Read more
Wo kann man das Rückglas kaufen?
Hallo, ich rechne auf ebay oder aliexpress (chinesische website) oder in besonderem speicher in dein...Read more
How much temperature is set on hot air Soldering Station?
Hi, 80C or 178F, approximately.
it's danger for the phone to change the back screen ?
can i use a hairdrier
Puorra caara! Vc abriu o celular noviiinho caara. Eu fico perplexo com tanta crueldade cara. Já esto...Read more
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