The most frequently asked questions about Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini GT-i9190 from our audience.
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Is i9190 compatible with the i9195 board?
Hello, yes it is, the difference between both is has one of them or not - LTE
Thank you! My i9100 board is dead so I was planning on just buying a new board, and now I'll "update...Read more
Thanks for watching!
Hi! I did it and it worked! BUT! there's an extra antenna that the i9190 doesn't have(LTE), just buy...Read more
! it's very usefull and valuable information! Thanks!
I'd like to add that also NFC does not work(i9190 does not have nfc module), since it's integrated i...Read more
So useful Thanks a lot! :D
Hello, you're welcome!
avete un video pure per il galaxy s5 sempre connettore cuffie ... grazie
Ciao! Molte grazie!
hello, is any difference if I put flex from i9195 (which looks almost same) into i9192? Will it work...Read more
Hi, these two have differences, but I9190 и i9192 are interchangeable.
Thank you. Great help.
You're welcome!
Hi I have a s4 mini i9190 if I make the motherboard of this i9195, will it work 4 g? Do you have inf...Read more
Hello, Theoretically, everything can and will work, but you need to rearrange it with the lower cabl...Read more