The most frequently asked questions about Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus SM-G928 from our audience.

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Hi, i have a Samsung S8 Live Demo Unit, If I Change the motherboard, can i use the line phone?
Hello, if you want to get calls, the PCB must have the sim slot (slots).
Hello! Can you please tell whether you found any difference on the insides of demo unit vs the real ...Read more
What do you mean the handset?
The two devices one the live demo unit and the second the original cellular phone
If one were to use them as tablets they would have the same life ,quality and speed?
Yeah, exactly, people do it.
Thankyou sir i now understand. Its just that we have people here who say that demo units are made to...Read more
If I change the motherboard with a compatible one, can it work? or would it not work anyway? What ca...Read more
Hi, it depends on what kind of the malfunction was on your phone.
je veut savoir le temps pour chofé le telephon
Bonjour, la temp recommandée est 158-178F ou - / + 80C. Vous devez chauffer une surface de la couver...Read more
Buenas tardes, de antemano gracias por su respuesta, se le puede cambiar la placa madre al demo por ...Read more
De acuerdo, no soy bueno en español. Lo copiaré en inglés. Conocí dos tipos diferentes de placas de...Read more
scusate una domanda, ma dopo averlo riscaldato, io uso una ventosa per alzare la parte dietro, ma no...Read more
Non so come sarà in italiano but I will try ) Ciao, non si può semplicemente sollevarlo con ventosa...Read more