The most frequently asked questions about Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0'' SM-T285 from our audience.

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My phone have some hardware problem can I send u the phone and u check what is the prblm.I will pay.
Hi, thank you for your message. Unfortunately sending anything to our local store could cost you mor...Read more
Very professionally done.
What should I do? i want to fix my niece tablet,sir. Pls. i need your response.
Hi, why the buttons are not working?
Hi, when you disconnect the ribbon cable, you also take off little green pieces of plastic, and i wa...Read more
Hi, when? At what time?
Excellent video if I must say so, and I MUST! I now venture forth in my endeavor, backed up with ...Read more
Hi, Thank you for the remarkable comment! We appreciate it :)
How to do with no tools
@P K It's sad. Where do you live now? City Minnesota
@P K Okay, repair tools kit sells on Amazon for $7. It's not a big deal, I could ship you my old one...Read more oh okay il ask my dad or mom to order me I just need a screen replacement because it's cr...Read more
You're right, always better to ask parents.
I have a circle icon with slash in the middle at the top of my samsung galaxy tab a sm-T 285. I can ...Read more