The most frequently asked questions about Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 2 SM-T395 from our audience.

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Hi, I have 3D printed a cradle for my motor bike but I need to know what each of the POGO pins a...Read more
Hi, unluckily, We know not much about bikes.
Replace screen digitizer glass on Samsung t395
T E S T 2
Hey, nice video. I have a question: I have a broken power button on one of these, it doesnt react. ...Read more
Hello, is the LCD screen in this model glued to the digitizer with oca glue? How to replace only th...Read more
I am attempting to change the screen on mine as it's shattered to oblivion.....I'm finding it imposs...Read more
Hi, are we talking about glass pieces on the display frame?
@VRM24.comI mean that as the display was shattered, the individual pieces were flexing and were bein...Read more
Sir, May i know..can I use a hot air rifle to remove the lcd screen glue
What is the wifi module name ?
Great video, thx. Can you tell what each of the POGO pins do. I would like to build my own charging ...Read more
Hi , great video ! I have a question: I need to buy the wifi ic chip , what is the name of this modu...Read more
I guess no one sells just microchips online, maybe entirely board. ok i tried to avoid from that but it seems like the only option I bought few tablets fro...Read more
@Noam C If in the tablet wifi chip wasn't build in "for a special reason" then the tablet should ha...Read more thank you very much pro !🙏 It seems like hard work 😭
@Noam C You have a non-trivial task :) what can I say. Obviously, the approach should be equal.
Is it possible to do this on a sm t360 galaxy tab active 1
Hi, unfortunately, we didn't get your model yet, it's difficult to say.
hello question please, the tablet does not start anymore I got the following error message "overheat...Read more
Super cool