I need help my Xperia C4 needs a screen repair because a red mark or r...

Sony Xperia C4
I need help my Xperia C4 needs a screen repair because a red mark or r...

I need help my Xperia C4 needs a screen repair because a red mark or red spot is showing when I view dark backgrounds on the phone so I think it might of been pressed.
    Yurii Rodionov
    I need help my Xperia C4 needs a screen repair...
    Hello, it can be defect or result of pressing of fingers (or else). If it don't bored (annoy) you then let's it remains as is. If you resolve to replace lcd - yes, you can. OR you have warranty - go at a service center.
      Hello, it can be defect or result of pressing...
      Ok would my data would still be saved after the lcd replacement?
        Yurii Rodionov
        Ok would my data would still be saved after...
        If will be replaced lcd only - your data will be safe and sound
          If will be replaced lcd only - your data will...
          But will the red mark on my phone will still be there for forever if I don't do nothing about it.
            Yurii Rodionov
            But will the red mark on my phone will still...
            If you have doubt about it you can put pictures on our FB page with the phone and the red mark we'll inspect it

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