The most frequently asked questions about Sony Xperia E5 from our audience.

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Hello. My Xperia E5 was dropped into water, so could I assemble it without any problems after disass...Read more
Hello, it's depend, someone can do it without doubt other one not. If you have an one small piece of...Read more
Thank you!
Aldin Mesan hol
What is price of the Sony Xperia E5's battery?
About five pounds on ebay
What is price of E5 Battery?
Hi, $15 in RF
bonjour j'ai un problème avec mon sony xperia E5 quand je charge mon téléphone la batterie au lieux ...Read more
Bonjour, malheureusement, ma Française est encore pire que jamais (Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire? L...Read more
Anais la blonde tu la toujour ce télèphone ?
Tu a encore besoin d'aide ? wonderland Bonjour, j'ai besoin de plus d'informations.
Bonjour moi j'ai un problème avec mon Sony Xperia E5 je le branche et il ne veut pas chargé j'ai uti...Read more
Bonjour, le téléphone fonctionne bien, mais ne peut-il pas être chargé? Correctement? en anglais, th...Read more
Neset Cevik toujours besoin d'aide ?
how to root Sony Xperia e5 f3311
Una pregunta disculpa para que sirve la lamina color bronce que tra en la parte de atras.. Arriba de...Read more
Hola, es NFC con un lado posterior de cobre como una capa de disipador de calor. En Inglés, it's NF...Read more
Is in this Phone a creme to cool it down?
Hi I am trying to follow your tutorial but all I am doing when I try to open the back is scratch th...Read more
Hello, yes, in the video the process of warming up of the back cover with a heat gun (hair dryer) un...Read more
Thank You, in the end I did manage to take the seal off without warming it up but scratched the case...Read more
Thank you, too! I'm sure that your comment will help to someone in repair in the future.
PC bord diagram
Hi, unfortunately, we don't have it, yet.
Know that piece of paper that is placed in sim tray and memory card? Mine got stucked hard and i had...Read more
Hello, you can't pull out piece of paper that have put inside a sim connector or sim tray cannot be ...Read more i cant put back that piece of paper ehat shows phone imei and CE marking... you can se...Read more
Ah, got it. It's the label tray. Usually we use for it a tweezer - but if the phone has repaired or ...Read more Then i did nothing bad by pulling it out of my xperia? I did no damage by doing so i...Read more
OK, in this case a specialist got to see what do you have with your phone. I just can suggest a prob...Read more
sonde puedo conseguir una pantalla son y 5e
Hi, who knows :) I'm assuming You can seek in a special store of your city or on Chinese or Amazon, ...Read more
Could you make a video about how to remove the lcd?
Hello, when we get this model again we'll make the video. But on the video the phone is disassembled...Read more
I have the same phone and I'm curious what is that square tape? Also why does that zone gets so hot?...Read more the copper colored layer
It is copper :) and the heat sink.
Ohh x3 got it, so is normal that it gets very hot in the center of it? Also a bit bulky
It depends of many reasons. For instance, all of time is heated or not, or how heats the surface, to...Read more ohh that's good to know, I was starting to think I had a faulty phone
hey , have i to do the same to change the screen ?
Hello, if you will buy original part then the LCD will be with a frame and you have to replace old t...Read more