The most frequently asked questions about Sony Xperia XA from our audience.
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Hi. I submitted xa in service centre due to battey issue. After collecting the device, i found that...Read more
If the problem with the camera only and your the warranty is over and the service refuses to help yo...Read more No there was not only camera problem. The device died within two months of repair. The...Read more
If it's authorized center, I don't know, call in Sony support. Okay. Thank you for responding. Have a nice day.
Thanks, You too!
useful 挺有用的
El calor no daña el teléfono disculpen?
Hola, si usarás la pistola de calor con cuidado. No lo hará. Elija la temperatura correcta, 70-80C s...Read more
Hello sir, after being repaired through local sony service centre, my xa isn't assembled well. The s...Read more Yes i think it's some kind of fraud. The statement they gave me isn't convincing. Toda...Read more
The silver covers could be dented when the covers were lifted (or levered) off where were repair of ...Read more Thank you for responding sir. "PS better stick the heat sink copper layer up" sorry s...Read more Can you share your page or something, so i can send you the picture.
Catch - Facebook:
How would you rate the internal build quality?
Hi, XA is made firmly and pretty well.
hello sir i have this kind phone but why it become overheating ????
Hi, where exactly does the overheating appear?
Que luta! O meu caiu quebrou display e a película de vidro está inteira 😫
É triste :(
Top! Ich suchte ne Anleitung zum Kamera Glas wechseln und hier fand ich die wichtigsten Informatione...Read more
Hi, you're welcome!
ese cable pequeño negro a un costado de la bateria, que va desde el integrado de carga a la placa ma...Read more
Hola, es el cable coaxial y funciona como parte de una antena.
Ya me di cuenta de eso x'D, improvise una solucion tuve que tirar ese cable, soldar otro directament...Read more
La buena solución)
can i replace its camera ? a better one if possible? thanks
Hi, I don't know, do you have an experience, tools, et Cetera?
You can but only with the same camera unless you can write files so the phone can read them.
Can you telle what the gold conectors the battery, screen etc are connected with. I took my battery ...Read more
Hi, they are connected with PCB. What the clip name you are looking for?
How can I get a Sony xa mother board?? Please reply
Hi, did you call\write to Sony support?
Hi, which tool tip are you used this model. Can u share the size of screw driver. How to buy this to...Read more
Idk what happened but vertical lines apppeared in the screen. Can u help?
Hello, these lines appear on the LCD, usually after getting damaged. You can replace the LCD or cont...Read more yeah. U think from overcharged? It never been drop. Is there any other option than rep...Read more
Overcharged, No, I don't think so, maybe you pressed on it harder than usual, or it's a manufacturer...Read more
i have connected a DC 9v to the micro usb connector to the end in a various ports to data +- and to ...Read more
The charging controller is most likely down because the phone suddenly stopped turning on—disassembl...Read more
Can you help me saying to me, how do I scrutinization the problem when I open the phone?
At least see the reaction to the charger, connect the charged battery, connect to the laptop/desktop...Read more
when I connect it with the charger, it not charges and only lights a red light up left, it's not ope...Read more
Try to change the firmware or try to connect a new battery. Maybe the memory is out of order. It is...Read more