Very useful. Thank you. I need to change the battery on my Swift2. Can...


Wileyfox Swift 2
Very useful. Thank you. I need to change the battery on my Swift2. Can...

Very useful. Thank you. I need to change the battery on my Swift2. Can this be done without removing all the other stuff? I was hoping it could be removed as soon as the screen is off. I like the battery removal technique. Any recommendations as to a source of the best plastic for the home made tool? And what's the liquid? I assume alcohol but it would be good to know for sure. Also, do you think the type of adhesive used will soften when heated?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Gareth Davies4
    Very useful. Thank you. I need to change the...
    Hi, after 2:10, but, without both PCBs, it will be safer. As a tool, we used is a protective layer for a new LCD - you can use a thin plastic card. The liquid is isopropyl alcohol.
      Hi, after 2:10, but, without both PCBs, it...  Many thanks. That's great.
        Evgenii Kuzmin
        Gareth Davies11  Many thanks. That's great.
        it's my pleasure.

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