The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi Mi A1 from our audience.
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What's the size of the bottom screw?
Hi, screws Star Shape 0.8mm Pentalobe
Hello, is there a way to disconnect the led from the capacitive buttons?
Hi, why? It's a difficult task.
Excellent.....cheers from Toronto..1 I do not have the Star Shape 0.8mm Pentalobe. 2.Since a few day...Read more
Hi, okay, first we should find out whether the device is working at all. It is necessary to disasse...Read more
Para cambiar el Flex de carga solo tengo que hacer el cambio y volver a ensamblar ?
6:47 Hola, puedes cambiar la PCB inferior.
6:33 you removed something and on back side of that there is a silver cylinder attached with golden...Read more more
Are we talking about the loudspeaker assembly? I guess you broke the vibration motor.