The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi Mi Note 2 from our audience.
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Is it possible to replace only touchscreen
Hi, it's possible but so difficult. Btw, where do you buy a new one? A new touchscreen? Or a new phone? I don't understand English well)
@malinoffiy 21 It depends on your question. You asked about a touchscreen replacement, so I gave yo...Read more Okay, thank you for the answer.
Sir, my mi note 2 is black screen, how to solve i don.'t know😭😭🥺
Hi, does the phone (include a touchscreen) work? Can you get (answer) the call? the touchscreen can to touch and normal,
the back of mi note 2 is glass or acrylic?
Hello, I'm not sure. We thought that the cover made from plastic but all sellers in descriptions wri...Read more
The signal Flex cable, know where to buy?
Hi, I saw the coaxial on Aliexpress (Chinese website). Or you can opt for another one with an equal ...Read more , thank you for the answer. There're no problem if its for another model?
In most cases, the coaxial connectors are the same.
i live in india.. new delhi can you repair my phone
Hi, we can if the phone is not dramatically damaged. There is one problem logistic to us and back wi...Read more