The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi Mi 4 from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

Xiaomi Mi 4


Xiaomi Mi 4
How i can replace charging connector

How i can replace charging connector
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    IC Majid19
    How i can replace charging connector
    Hello, if you've got a solder station you can unsolder old one and reapply the new port to the board. You can also replace the bottom PCB entirely.

Xiaomi Mi 4
what screwdriver size did you use on the beginning?

what screwdriver size did you use on the beginning?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    what screwdriver size did you use on the beginning?
    Hi, Phillips #000

Xiaomi Mi 4
Hi, my friend. Do you know the name of that metallic part that stays w...

Hi, my friend. Do you know the name of that metallic part that stays with micro usb port? The one you picked up on (3m 23s).
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Eric Temponi12
    Hi, my friend. Do you know the name of that...
    Hi, it's an antenna's part.
      Hi, it's an antenna's part. My Xiaomi Mi4 doesn't have it anymore (probably I lost it when I replaced the charger port). Since that, I'm having issues with display. When I wake up the screen the display is fine but after couple seconds it starts to become half yellow and losts bright. Do you know if the absence of this metallic part could do that or probably is something on the motherboard or screen?

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