The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi Mi 4C from our audience.
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please do disassemble Kodak IM 5 !! I need to change its touch screen !!!.....
Hello, we'll inquire to our suppliers (partners) about it if they can find Kodak IM5 we'll get this ...Read more
My mi4c can't recharged, the led is red on in blinking. I changed battery and charging port. But sti...Read more
Hi, I can suggest that reason is in a charging controller.
Were is the Charging Controller?
is it a memory card slot below the camera? can i change / add the memory ?
Hi, it shouldn't have the memory card slot but an internal microchip, only.
is it a memory card slot below the camera? can i change / add the memory ?
Hi, it shouldn't have the memory card slot but an internal microchip, only.
My mi4c can't recharged, the led is red on in blinking. I changed battery and charging port. But sti...Read more
Hi, I can suggest that reason is in a charging controller.
Were is the Charging Controller?