The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi Mi 6 from our audience.

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Preciso de ajuda pfv. Meu mi6 ta com o vidro trincado, mais ta pegando normalmente. Tem como eu fzr...Read more
Oi, neste modelo, o vidro e a tela sensível ao toque são a parte inteira. Teoricamente, você pode se...Read more
Which is the name of the connector from 10:43? I damaged it while trying to change the LCD and now t...Read more
Hi, the display cable can't be the cause of the battery draining.
Já fez troca de tela do Mi note 3, tem video ?
O meu MI6 quebrou a tela só que o tela de toque funciona o sensor digital funciona eu posso comprar ...Read more
Oi, eu acho, você pode comprar a tela sensível ao toque. Mas, isso levanta duas questões: quem subst...Read more
Da pra trocar a moldura lateral? Tem que trocar a carcaça toda?
Oi, por que?
Olá. Existe a possibilidade de você efetuar o reparo no meu aparelho?
Oi, nós faríamos isso, com prazer, mas estamos localizados na Sibéria.
Tem algum vídeo de como trocar a bateria dele?
Hi, as on this video to 6:32, after that the assembly in reverse order. Thanks for the help, buddy.
You're welcome!
Can I change volume up/down and power module without removing screen?
Can we take apart fingerprint module from display to use it with another display?
did you try recalibrating it after the switch-over?
Hi, what for? On the miui-Forum you can find someone who tells you how to recalibrate the sensor if ...Read more
Ok, thanks, yes, the problem somewhere there but is it a malfunction of LCD or a software bug we don...Read more
Ok, thanks for the reply. So far I have not found anyone who was able to transfer the old fingerprin...Read more
Hi, is the same teardown process for the ceramic version?
Hi, yes, I think so.
Super grâce à cette vidéo j'ai pu changer mon écran de Xiaomi MI6.
Heureux d'aider!
What glue do you use to glue the back cover and and the battery?
Hi, for the battery we use adhesive double-sided tape, for the back cover - a sealant B7000.
thanks friend