The most frequently asked questions about Xiaomi RedMi Note 4X from our audience.

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c'est valable aussi pour le redmi note 4 ou pas?
Hi, we've got this one, too ^)
Hi, nice video, which back camera sensor do you have and what is written on camera module, I am look...Read more
Hi, unfortunately, we can't say exactly which the camera is because the phone had been received for ...Read more
Thanks anyway :)
Nice job, congratulations from Spain!
Hi, Thanks a lot!
Can anyone tell me please......... how much is the cost of redmi note 4 camera lens cover??
How much it costs??
I've wrote you above. about $1 means what??
$1 means what?
one united states dollar :)
la pantalla del redmi note 4 es compatible con note 4 pro?
Hola, tenemos dudas, pero no tenemos este dos para la comparación, a menudo la misma pantalla, pero ...Read more
Para q sirve el agujerito de al lado del infrarrojo ?
Hola, el micrófono, el segundo para la cámara. The microphone, the second one to the camera. a pensaba qie el micrófono solo lo tenia abajo gracias
You're welcome!
Whenever I saw that someone made film showing how to disassemble XRN4X I think that this person must...Read more
Hi, thanks for your comment. We appreciate it. Honestly, we're living in Siberia RF, regionally. I c...Read more
Hay diferencia del display entre la versión 3gb/32gb y 4gb/64gb?
Hi, the models have no difference, except the amount of an internal memory.
are the screen replacement for Redmi note 4 global a fun Redmi note 4x the same?
Hi, they're different.
Username? Whats that?
Buenas, se especula mucho sobre que la parte trasera del 4x es completamente de plastico, usted que ...Read more
Es aleacion de plastico y metal, para que se sienta de ese plastico y de un aspecto visible de metal
La procedura e il pezzo di ricambio è lo stesso per un redmi note 4 global con 4gb di ram? Grazie
Ciao, the same, the increased ram makes no difference between both.
Hi first of all thaks for uploading videos like that. I dont know nothing about replace lcd screen, ...Read more
If I understand right, the phone is worked (display and touch screen) but the glass is broken and yo...Read more
I have a Redmi Note 4 and I need to change the on/off and volume buttons strip. Do you know if it ...Read more
@GM Pronoob are you sure you have a redmi note 4x ? The 4x version has a snapdragon cpu, not mtk
@Marco im pretty sure its Mtk, it says mtk6797 helio X20 but im not sure if my phone is a global ver...Read more
@GM Pronoob I understand. Based on what you say, I think you should get a BN41 battery. The BN43 is ...Read more
@Marco thanks for the idea mate, but i realized its better if i open it to see what i have to buy i ...Read more
@GM Pronoob no problem! 👍
xiaomi like to use frame between the lcd screen and motherboard, battery... which pratically... bett...Read more
Can you tell me all colours of Xiaomi redmi note 4 camera manufacturing process are same??