The most frequently asked questions about Yota YotaPhone 2 YD201 from our audience.

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can we upgrade the RAM?
Hello, unfortunately we know nothing about upgrading the RAM, we had no this task before.
thanks for ur reply..
how about changing battery? can be easily done?
Hello, after 2.17 sec you can disassemble the battery but this one has glued to the housing so firml...Read more понятно
@mike che did you do it ? did it work? i may buy a Phone that has a broken Battery a...Read more
My phone's buttons just stopped working for no reason. I couldn't restart it. And it turned out I co...Read more
Hello, Nicely done! We would be did it, as well.
My GPS doesn't work at all which is very annoying as I have only just bought it, apart from that it ...Read more
Hello, the connectors of antenna at the top part, you have to check the connection
From PlayStore: GPS-test app. AGPS->Clear and Update.
Уважаемый, не подскажешь, GPS даёт большую погрешность в сравнении с самсунгом. Очень кривые треки п...Read more
I have done that already using GPS Status app, it still doesn't get a lock, signal reads as 0/Infini...Read more
the first screw that needs to take off is worn off and I can't take it out. is there a way to still ...Read more
Hello, we usually use a large screwdriver that catch the verge of screw.
Same story. Had to use a drill with a small bit and drill it out. When assembling back together, y...Read more
Great video but do you have any details on how to replace the front glass?
Hello, you have to warm up the entire surface of phone, then, by using a thread, (a steel string), y...Read more
hi nice video , i have cracked a e-ink display , do you have one ??? i want buy , or yo...Read more
infatti.. cercherò su un sito cinese. grazie per l'informazione!
Marco e Stefano, siete riusciti a trovare lo schermo sostitutivo? Io pure sto cercando di trovare un...Read more
taobao la differenza di prezzo è dovuta al fatto che devi usare un intermediario + pagare le tasse d...Read more
Stefano, ti ringrazio per la risposta, che pero' mi lascia incuriosito. Che senso ha un mercato (sem...Read more
ma devi calcolare , che un prezzo di un prodotto è deteminato da una domanda , conseguentemente piu ...Read more
Utilise tu une trousse d'équipement particulier?
Mon yotaphone est tomber dans l'eau et depuis le tactile ne fonctionne plus, quelle parti faut il ch...Read more
Salut, tout d'abord, vous devez démonter le téléphone et nettoyer toutes les parties de l'oxydation....Read more
Merci pour la réponse. Utilise tu un produit particulier pour enlever l'oxydation?
You can use an isopropyl alcohol.
Please reply..can i just take out the memory card from the yotaphone 2? Cz i only need the pictures ...Read more
Hi, are we talking about an internal memory or micro sd card? internal memory
@# Novawakaka Specialists could remove an internal memory and using a Programmer to get information...Read more
У меня YD206, когда отключал чёрно-белый экран второй разъём не трогал потому как там есть ещё какие...Read more
Спасибо Вам, за полезный комментарий! 👍
is it worth to buy this fon???
Hello, the phone is OK, but after a breakage (any damage or defect) is almost unrepairable. I mean t...Read more
Great thing. Better than iPhone that is not yet on the market!
my front display is broken where do I buy it from
Hello, it's hard to say, you can try on Chinese websites, because the brand doesn't exist.
how can i get and change a battery in my yota c9660
Hello, in our long practice we have never got this phone to repair.
Great video!! My Audio stopped working a few days ago. I tried everything on the software part but i...Read more
Hello, unfortunately we can't give you advice. the Manuals as and tutorials for this model do not ex...Read more