Please reply..can i just take out the memory card from the yotaphone 2...


Yota YotaPhone 2 YD201
Please reply..can i just take out the memory card from the yotaphone 2...

Please reply..can i just take out the memory card from the yotaphone 2? Cz i only need the pictures inside the phone..
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    # Novawakaka3
    Please reply..can i just take out the memory...
    Hi, are we talking about an internal memory or micro sd card?
      Hi, are we talking about an internal memory or... internal memory
        Evgenii Kuzmin
        # Novawakaka12 internal memory
        @# Novawakaka Specialists could remove an internal memory and using a Programmer to get information from this memory.

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