The most frequently asked questions about ZTE Blade GF3 from our audience.

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I have ZTE Blade Q Pro with original screen is TXDT450DKPA-97V2. I buyed screen TXDT450SKP-99, it no...Read more
Hello, unfortunately we didn't get this problem before. Hard to say.
i fixed it. It becouse of firmware of phone from Life. I changed firmware to GF3 and screen began wo...Read more
How to replace the touchscreen? Cómo reemplazar la pantalla táctil?
Hello, for instance the replacement has two ways,...Read more
Greetings! I just have a white screen on my phone with a bit of blinking. It turns off only when it ...Read more
Am I correct? The phone did not work but just frozen with a white screen? On ZTE smartphones, it ...Read more