The most frequently asked questions about ZTE Nubia Z9 Mini from our audience.

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sir nubia z9 Mini phone ki touch mil Jayegi kya plz Bata dijiyega kya
Thank you for this great contribution. Helped me a lot when I had to replace the battery of my Z9 mi...Read more
Happy to help!
nubia z9 mini touch is damag i am belong to bikaner can you help me bikaner city touch repaer this...Read more
Hi, honestly, I know nothing about Bikaner city mobile centers.
Mahander Singh Bhaiya ji mere paas nubia z9 Mini phone hai kiski touch mil Jayegi kya plz bata do ya...Read more
I had Nubia Z9 mini, it suddenly turned off and I couldn't turned it on again, and then I plugged in...Read more
Hi, I'm sorry to read this.
Screen not working because it broken half working nga half not working please help me..
How can we help?
My battery is swollen I belong from Kolkata city Can u suggest me solution or suggest me subsidiary...Read more
Hi, check it on Chinese websites as Aliexpress, Taobao and so on.