The most frequently asked questions about ZTE Nubia Z17 from our audience.

Repair engineer for the last fifteen years. Huge experience in the repair of electronic devices and gadgets.

ZTE Nubia Z17


ZTE Nubia Z17
Thanks for the video how to glue the screen? what type of glue is need...

Thanks for the video how to glue the screen? what type of glue is needed?
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Борис Серафимов7
    Thanks for the video how to glue the screen?...
    Hi, we use a sealant B7000 or B5000
      Hi, we use a sealant B7000 or B5000 он же прозрачный ... , а чёрный хорошего качества и менее текучий есть, кроме Т7000?
        Evgenii Kuzmin
        Борис Серафимов15 он же прозрачный ... , а чёрный...
        @Борис Серафимов Ответ специалиста - Т7000 только мне известен, остальные прозрачные. Но если хочется чтобы герметик был менее текучим и не заливался под подсветку или еще куда не надо, то после нанесения просто подождать минут 15 пока он немного не подсохнет и потом уже склеивать.
          @Борис Серафимов Ответ специалиста - Т7000...

ZTE Nubia Z17
Super COOL jajaj soy fan des de hace mucho quisiera que me pudieras da...

Super COOL jajaj soy fan des de hace mucho quisiera que me pudieras dar un display de la mediapad s3 10 es que el mio se daño y además seguiré los pasos que tu haces
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    andres garzon15
    Super COOL jajaj soy fan des de hace mucho...
    ¡Hola hombre! ¡Gracias! Acerca de - la pantalla. No vendemos piezas de repuesto durante 2-3 años, y supongo que no volveremos a hacerlo.

ZTE Nubia Z17
Hey. Tell me please where is the speaking microphone? Thanks in advanc...

Hey. Tell me please where is the speaking microphone? Thanks in advance.
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Max Maax6
    Hey. Tell me please where is the speaking... check step 16th
      Evgenii_Kuzmin подскажите пожалуйста, на (0.38) секунде, какой раствор вы используете, чтобы снять дисплей ? У вас так легко начал отклеиваться
        Evgenii Kuzmin
        Lã Xuân8 подскажите пожалуйста, на (0.38)...
        @Lã Xuân Здравствуйте, это изопропиловый спирт.
          @Lã Xuân Здравствуйте, это изопропиловый спирт.
 спасибо за ответ и информативный видос, очень поможет простому народу!

ZTE Nubia Z17
Hello, I need to replace the speaker (not buzzer) of a very simila...

Hello, I need to replace the speaker (not buzzer) of a very similar model ZTE Nubia Z17 lite nx591j. I can find the speaker for sale in Aliexpress or eBay, It is a tiny part that seems to fit in the upper side of the middle cover, but you do not show how to dismount it, (neither in the youtube video I found this Is it as easy as just pressing an popping the speaker out from the middle cover, and then in? Maybe is more complicated? Thank you for your magnificient tutorials. Kind regards, Fernando Clavijo
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Hello, I need to replace the speaker (not...
    Hi, it's taped, and it isn't attached firmly.

ZTE Nubia Z17
Merci beaucoup enfin un tutoriel pour démonter ce téléphone !!

Merci beaucoup enfin un tutoriel pour démonter ce téléphone !!

ZTE Nubia Z17
O conector USB e o mesmo do 17 lite

O conector USB e o mesmo do 17 lite
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Jacson Oliveira8
    O conector USB e o mesmo do 17 lite
    Oi, a placa-filha inteira parece a mesma, mas não tentamos substituir apenas a PCB (printed circuit board) ou USB.

ZTE Nubia Z17
My mic has gone. My voice does not go on phone call. What should I do....

My mic has gone. My voice does not go on phone call. What should I do. By the way I can talk on video chat. Can I handle it? Help me plase.
    Evgenii Kuzmin
    Hürşah Utku Kaya9
    My mic has gone. My voice does not go on phone...
    Hi, did you use a headset also a Bluetooth headphone?
      Hi, did you use a headset also a Bluetooth headphone? Nope. Without any headphone. I can record video with voice. I did not try BT headphone. Should I try?
        Evgenii Kuzmin
        Hürşah Utku Kaya17 Nope. Without any headphone. I can...
        @Hürşah Utku Kaya Yes, please with cable and BT.
          Evgenii Kuzmin
          @Hürşah Utku Kaya Yes, please with cable and BT.
          At least you can replace the sub/daughterboard entirely.

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